Setting up Smokeping in a systemd-nspawn container

Smokeping is a nifty tool that continuously performs network measurements (such as ICMP ping tests) and graphs the results in a web interface. It can help you assess performance and detect issues in not only your own but also upstream networks.


This is not how your graphs should look.

This article details setup steps for running Smokeping in a systemd-nspawn container with some additional requirements:

  • IPv6 probes must work

  • The container will directly use the host network so that no routing, NAT or address assignment needs to be set up.

  • To reduce disk and runtime footprint the container will run Alpine Linux

Container setup

First we need to set up an Alpine Linux root filesystem in a folder.
Usage is simple: ./ /var/lib/machines/smokeping

Next we'll boot into the container to configure everything: systemd-nspawn -b -M smokeping -U

If not already done edit /etc/apk/repositories to add the community repo.
Additionally, you have to touch /etc/network/interfaces so that the network initscript can start up later (even though there is nothing to configure).

Install all required packages: apk add smokeping fping lighttpd ttf-dejavu

Make sure that fping works by running e.g. fping ::1.


Next is the lighttpd configuration inside /etc/lighttpd.

Get rid of all the examples: mv lighttpd.conf lighttpd.conf.bak && grep -v '^#' lighttpd.conf.bak | uniq >lighttpd.conf

There are multiple changes to be done in lighttpd.conf:

  • change server.groupname = "smokeping", the CGI process will need access to smokeping's files.

  • add server.port = 8081 and server.use-ipv6 = "enable"

  • configure mod_fastcgi for Smokeping by appending the following:

server.modules += ("mod_fastcgi")
fastcgi.server = (
        ".cgi" => ((
                "bin-path" => "/usr/share/webapps/smokeping/smokeping.cgi",
                "socket" => "/tmp/smokeping-fastcgi.socket",
                "max-procs" => 1,

We also need to link smokeping's files into the webroot: ln -s /usr/share/webapps/smokeping/ /var/www/localhost/htdocs/smokeping


Next is the smokeping configuration located at /etc/smokeping/config.

The most important change here is to set cgiurl to the URL smokeping will be externally reachable at, like so:
cgiurl = http://your_server_here:8081/smokeping/smokeping.cgi

You might also have to adjust imgurl depending on how the symlink in /usr/share/webapps/smokeping is called.

Smokeping's configuration [2] isn't super obvious if you haven't done it before so I'll provide an example here (this replaces the Probes and Targets sections):

*** Probes ***

+ FPing
binary = /usr/sbin/fping

+ FPing6
binary = /usr/sbin/fping

*** Targets ***
probe = FPing

menu = Top
title = Network Latency Grapher
remark =

+ targets
menu = IPv4 targets

++ google
menu = Google
title = Example Target: Google (IPv4)
host =

+ targets6
menu = IPv6 targets
probe = FPing6

++ google
menu = Google
title = Example Target: Google (IPv6)
host = 2001:4860:4860::8844
Lastly, grant the CGI process write access to the image folder:
chmod g+w /var/lib/smokeping/images
This must match the value of imgcache in the config, in case that ever changes.

Final container setup

Set services to run on boot: rc-update add smokeping && rc-update add lighttpd
Then shut down the container using poweroff.

We need to tell systemd-nspawn not to create a virtual network when the container is started as a service.
Do this by creating /etc/systemd/nspawn/smokeping.nspawn:


Finally start up the container: systemctl start systemd-nspawn@smokeping
If this does not work due to private users you are running on an old systemd [3], try again with PrivateUsers=no in the Exec section.

You can now visit http://your_server_here:8081/smokeping/smokeping.cgi and should see a mostly empty page with a sidebar containing "Charts", "IPv4 targets" and "IPv6 targets" on the left.